Hello from Truveta

by | Oct 22, 2020

Today is an exciting day as we begin our journey as Truveta. Our inspiration is our vision – Saving Lives with Data. As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to impact our world, loved ones, and daily lives, the opportunity to apply data in the development of breakthrough health solutions has never been clearer. We will pursue this vision in close collaboration with health systems, life science researchers, physicians, and others in the health community. We are energized by our compassionate vision and humbled by the complexity ahead.

The Pursuit of Knowledge

Health care is at a pivotal moment, where more data is available than ever before. The amount of health data has grown dramatically over the last several years. This year, as much as 2,314 exabytes of new data will be generated – a dramatic growth from the 153 exabytes generated in 2013. This data is unstructured, siloed, and inaccessible for insights that would improve patient care. The health industry is swimming in data, without solutions to generate insights across diagnosis, treatments, geographies, or demographics. Author John Naisbitt could have written his famous statement about this dynamic, “We are drowning in information but starved for knowledge.”

Building with Principles

Our mission is to drive innovation in patient care and development of new therapies. In pursuit of these goals, we will stay true to several staunchly held principles:

  • We are in service to patients and their best possible outcomes.
  • Patient privacy is paramount.
  • Scientific integrity is essential.

We know health data is unlike other data. It is the very definition of personal. While we embark on our pursuit to generate knowledge and insights to improve diagnoses and treatments, we know we must do so with the utmost caution to protect the privacy of the people we ultimately seek to serve: patients.

Collaborating for Innovation

Through conversations across the health care continuum – from leading health system providers, to pharmaceutical companies, public health officials, health insurers, doctors and more – the vision for Truveta formed. We will continue to gather feedback from across the health care ecosystem to guide our efforts, including an initial set of advisors from across the country. We look forward to sharing more information on our partnerships in the coming months.

Our team

Nothing gets me more energized than being part of a great team – and I couldn’t be more excited by the team forming with me around Truveta’s mission. One common denominator across all of us is an authentic passion for helping save lives and advance humanity. Having lost my father to cancer at a young age, I learned early on the tragedy of loss. I am grateful at this point in my career to focus my efforts on my passion to help patients and their families. Many on our team have similar stories of loss or current circumstances that have inspired them to contribute their talents to Truveta. We have a special combination of software, health and big data experience. You can learn more about our team here. We are rapidly building a team to help us – if you are interested, we would love to hear from you.

We are at the beginning of a journey and today is the first step in sharing our vision, our mission, and our principled approach. We will have more information to share in the coming months and invite you to follow along. If you have questions for Truveta, please reach out to us here.

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