
Disease treatment and outcomes

Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD) is a common disease that causes the narrowing of the arteries in the extremities. Many studies have shown that PAD disproportionately affects both Black or African American and Hispanic or Latino individuals; further, these groups experience worse outcomes (including amputation) compared to white and non-Hispanic or Latino individuals. As part of PAD Awareness month, Truveta Research investigated disparities in the frequency of common procedures used to treat PAD, known as endovascular (or minimally invasive) revascularization, and the associated outcomes.

Due to the small sample sizes observed in previous literature and the timeliness of Truveta data, we wanted to learn more about the PAD population, such as who received revascularization procedures, whether disparities exist among the patients who received drug-coated vs. bare stents and balloons, and whether there were differences in adverse outcomes across the different technologies used.

Download the “Peripheral Artery Disease Treatment and Outcomes: Disparities in the frequency of revascularization procedures and incidence of adverse outcomes” eBook to learn about our findings.

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